
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I was in the mood to take some pictures. So I got my camera, and went out to my yard and started clicking at random objects. THEN I had inspiration. Bubblegum. STUDIO lighting. Because I want a studio reallyyyyy bad. So I jetted over to the nearest gas-station, and invested in the delicious prop, and transformed my basement bedroom into a little studio. (Well, for a little while, atleast.) Anyways, here's some shots I got that day!

Friday, November 12, 2010

The Paulson Family. This photoshoot was so fun! They are so funny, and had such chemistry between them all. Thanks, guys! I had a lot of fun. :)

This was a "just-for-fun" photoshoot for 2 GREAT girls, Chelsea and Jessica. (You might recognize Jessica from previous posts, a frequent customer of mine) (: Thanks for being such great models, you two!

Callie Stewart, a friend of my little sister, Rachel, is such a cute girl! She's so nice, and has a sweet essence about her. She is now a Junior at MVHS, so I guess you could say these are her "JUNIOR PICTURES". (:

A few shots I took of one of my best friends, and my sister, Rachel, when we were bored one day. :D

This right here is my little brother, Devin. He is dear to my heart, we have so much fun together. Devin likes drawing and video games. He is just super cool! (And obviously really photogenic.)

I fell in love with this wall during this shoot. (: